
Everyone Welcome

Sabbath School and Church

Adult Sabbath School is meeting in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m.. There is one adult class upstairs and all the children's classes will meet downstairs. Everyone is welcome!

Church In Person or On-Line

Everyone is welcome to attend the worship hour. It starts at 10:45 a.m.  

We broadcast Church live on youtube.com. Church will start at 10:45 AM.  Go to youtube.com and search for "greeley sda".  Click on the circle with the church picture.  You may need to choose the "Videos" tab.

OR click on the "Sermons" link in the menu selections above to access the services. (On a phone or tablet the menu selections will be in a button that looks like three bars at the top of the screen.)

Weekly Church Meetings

Wednesday - 1:30 p.m.  Midweek study 

Sabbath 4:00 - p.m.  End Time Events with Shawn Korgan

Food for Thought


Planting and Blooming - For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Phil. 4:11 (NIV)

On a recent warm March afternoon, I walked out on our back deck and noticed a yellow flower blooming in the rocks that border our lawn. I thought it was probably a dandelion, but on closer inspection I discovered it was a really pretty pansy. I had had a pot of yellow pansies on our back deck the previous summer and apparently a seed from those flowers had been blown by the wind and lay in the rocks until sprouting into a pretty pansy in mid March. The well-known phrase “bloom where you are planted” came to mind.

Jerry and I had gone into pastoral ministry when Jerry finished seminary training at Andrews University. I had told Jerry there were two places I hoped we never had to live – West Texas and the Deep South. God must have smiled at that knowing what lay ahead! We spent approximately 7 years in West Texas and 5 years in the Deep South – if you don’t count Shreveport, LA, as the Deep South.

We had enjoyed Shreveport – beautiful new church, nice people, good church school – but I had told Jerry “this is far enough South.” Our next move took us to NW Arkansas and close to Ozark Academy for our daughter’s education, but when she finished academy, the conference president called. Jerry informed me of the call and said we had been asked to move to Slidell. Having never heard of the place, I asked the logical question: “Where is Slidell?” When Jerry didn’t answer me, I knew it was in the Deep South next to New Orleans. Having said all that, I will just say God “planted” me in some places I would not have chosen. But both Abilene, TX, and Slidell, LA, were places I thoroughly enjoyed and hopefully managed to “bloom.”

Joseph, my favorite Bible character, had endured some unfortunate “plantings.” Sold as a slave by his own brothers into Egypt and then put in prison because of a false accusation. But always Joseph managed to rise above his unfavorable circumstances and “bloom.” He eventually became Prime Minister of Egypt where he was responsible for saving a starving nation as well as his father’s family. I think Joseph managed to “bloom” where he had been planted!

The apostle Paul knew what it was to be “planted” in some difficult places. He and Silas had been planted in prison, but their praying and singing (blossoming) at midnight resulted in the conversion of the jailer and his family. In two different places (2 Cor. 6:4,5 and 2 Cor. 11:23-28) Paul lists all the hardships he has endured, but says he counts it all “loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:7) What an example of blossoming where being planted! Like Joseph, like Paul, we need to be content where we have been “planted” and with God’s help “bloom”. (By the way, the pansy has endured some adverse weather conditions, but it is still blooming!)

Sharon Oster


Fun Surprises From Jesus - “When Jesus came to Zacchaeus, He looked up and said, ‘Zacchaeus, come down. I would like to go to your house to visit you today.’” Luke 19:5 (Clear Word)

Years ago Jerry and I were taking a plane trip. We were flying Southwest airlines and our seats were not assigned. We were hoping to sit together, but unfortunately he was seated near the back of the plane and I had a middle seat to the front. The man to my right promptly fell asleep. The young woman to my left and I exchanged a few words of greeting and then we were silent.

Before long she reached into her backpack and pulled out a book and began to read. It was easy to see what she was reading: Steps to Christ by Ellen White. Finally, my curiosity could take the silence no longer and I said, “I have read that book and really enjoyed it.” She looked at me with a questioning look so I said, “I’m a Seventh-day Adventist,” and she smiled and said, “So am I.” She was a student at one of our colleges, and we enjoyed talking with each other. After awhile she went back to her reading, and I was thinking how nice that I had been seated next to her —one of Jesus’ fun little surprises.

I was walking – rather struggling to walk – into King Soopers grocery store one day. A lady came up behind me and wanted to know why I was having so much trouble walking. I explained to her that I have multiple sclerosis, and it affects my walking. She said, “I would like to pray for you.” So right in the front of the store with people coming and going all around us, she said the nicest prayer for me. I hope the whole experience made her day as much as it did mine. Another little fun surprise from Jesus!

Jesus was walking by the Pool of Bethesda one Sabbath day longing “to exercise His healing power and make every sufferer whole.” (Desire of Ages, p. 201) There was one man He could not pass by. The man had been suffering for 38 years, but the crippled man had no one to help him into the pool where he believed a miracle of healing would happen. Jesus walked by the man and said, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” The man believed Jesus and did just that. What a life-changing, special surprise from Jesus! (John 5:1-15)

Zacchaeus knew Jesus was coming to town, and he really wanted to see Him. But the crowd was large, and he was short so he climbed a tree for a better view. Before long he looked down into the face of Jesus. “Zacchaeus,” Jesus said, “you need to come down because I want to spend some time at your house today.” He scrambled down and spent the day with Jesus. What a nice surprise from Jesus! (Luke 19:1-10)

I love the story of Zacchaeus, not only for the forgiveness Jesus offered him, but because He wanted to spend time in his home – the same thing Jesus desires to do with each of us. Our first priority everyday should be to invite Jesus to spend the day with us. And who knows what fun surprises we might enjoy!

Sharon Oster


“Dig Another Well” - “If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength.” Proverbs 24:10 (NIV)

Jerry had brought home a memorial program for me to look at from a funeral he had worked for Adamson’s Funeral Home. The picture on the front showed a man with a very infectious smile. One would have thought he had lived a very blessed, happy life, but that was not the story of his life. He had actually been electrocuted when he was 49 years old, suffering severe burns which left him unable to work. Then some years later he had a bad stroke and had to start all over again to learn to speak and understand.

But apparently the real inspiration of this man’s life came from the fact that he accepted what came to him and just moved on with a good attitude and a big smile. There were words to a song printed on the back of the program that he had adopted as the theme of his life. The song is titled “Dig Another Well” by Paul Overstreet. It talks about a man living in the country and the devil came along and filled up all his wells with dirt. When the man went to get a drink, he got a dipper full of dirt. But the man simply picked up his shovel and dug another well. The song ends with the idea that “when the rains don’t fall and the crops all fail . . . don’t sit around waitin’ for a check in the mail. Just pick up the shovel and dig another well.” That had become the motto of this man’s life and the source of his happiness and big smile. He lived a full life into his late 80’s.

It did remind me of a story in the Bible about some wells. (Genesis 26:12-22) Isaac, because of a famine in the land, had gone to live in the land of the Philistines. The Lord had blessed him, and he had become very wealthy. The Philistines envied him so they filled up all his wells with dirt. So Isaac simply moved away to another area and reopened the wells that his father Abraham had dug. The story goes on about disputes over wells, but Isaac just moves on and continues to dig another well.

Of course, the moral to the story and the song is to not let the disappointments and setbacks in this life discourage us. One simply needs to accept what happens, “dig another well,” and move on. As the song says, “God blessed me once and He can do it again.”

Sharon Oster   Link to song: "Dig Another Well" by Paul Overstreet

! (2 Samuel 12)

Mrs. White says kindness, honesty, and fidelity will be seen in the lives of all who would become subjects of Christ’s kingdom. (DA, p. 107)

Honesty – always the best policy.

Sharon Oster


Upcoming Events 

May 11, 2024 at 9:30 AM
May 11, 2024 at 10:45 AM

Fellowship Lunch - Bring a dish to share.

May 18, 2024 at 10:45 AM
May 25, 2024 at 10:45 AM